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Category: Stories of Impact

Stories of Impact

G.C.E. O/L Exam Pass Percentage Has Increased Year by Year

Kg/ Arukgammana Maha Vidyalaya, Arukgammana

The G.C.E. O/L exam pass percentage has increased year by year, during past 3 years. Pass percentages are given below;

  • In 2019 the percentage was 75%, which increased to 80% in 2020, and in 2021 the percentage increased further to 92.3%
  • In 2018 they were able to advance from their original 15th place in their zone to 1st place, after our donations. Not only is this an incredible achievement from the school, but it is a clear demonstration of the potential that computer technology can enable students to reach
  • The students, who are studying ICT as subject, can now conduct their practical work; before our computer donations, they were unable to do any practical work.
Stories of Impact

2021 Exam Results Have Improved Significantly Since 2020

Kg/ Moradana Maha Vidyalaya, Undugoda

  • In 2020 the pass level for the GCE A/L and GCE O/L exams was 66.67%. After donations in 2021, the pass level increased to 87.5% for GCE A/L and 69.7% for GCE O/L.
  • The total number of students in the school has increased during previous years.
  • The Principal says that students have improved their IT skills.
  • The donations have allowed them to more easily forward important documents (such as scholarship applications and exam results) to the Education Department online. They are also able to participate in the Zoom meetings organised by the Educational Department.